What is Car Sharing?

By TreeLiving Staff What do most cars do all day? The answer is that they sit around doing nothing, waiting for their owners/drivers to get back. That’s harmless enough – at least a parked car isn’t guzzling ...

What is a Smart Meter?

By TreeLiving   Technology that has damaging environmental effects has been a major cause of some of the ecological problems we face today. But eco tech solutions c (more…)...

How to Make Your Cell Phone Last

By TreeLiving These days the cell phone is more than just a basic phone. It’s a mini-computer, organizer and even a tiny games console. Making sure they are well looked after is the smart thing to do, not onl...

What is a Gluten-free Diet?

By TreeLiving We all know that eating healthy food, with lots of fruit and vegetables, is one of the secrets of wellbeing and longevity. But what constitutes healthy food seems to keep changing, with both new...