Cleaner air and a chemical-free home is a top priority for many of us. But the arrival of a baby makes these even more important. Babies are very delicate and easily affected by environmental contaminants since their organs, including their lungs,

are still developing.

One of the most important things to do when preparing for a baby is to create a toxic-free zone, so here are some tips on how to do this:

1. Non-Toxic Paint: Regular paints are made with volatile compounds which your baby will breath in. Instead look for low VOC (volatile organic compounds) or VOC-free paint. Just make sure to paint the room at least 4-5 months before the baby comes so you can make sure that the paint will dry and the room is aired out.

2. Eco-Friendly Flooring: Carpets are very comfortable and look really nice, but they are also sprayed with chemicals and use toxic adhesives. They’re also known to harbor viruses and bacteria. Look for eco-friendly flooring like bamboo or cork, or choose carpeting made of natural fibers instead.

3. Clean Air: Purchasing a high-efficiency air filter (HEPA) will help clean the air in your baby’s room from dust mites, pollen and other irritants which usually harbor in the bedding and carpets. Clean air is key in order to avoid respiratory problems and help your baby develop a strong immune system and lungs.

4. Non-Toxic Cleaning Products: Clean your baby’s room and home with non-toxic cleaning products since regular products are full of chemicals and toxins that are bad for both your baby and the planet. You can find many options in your local store nowadays or you can even make your own right at home with simple ingredients like white vinegar and baking soda. You can find many recipes online for natural cleaning products that you can make at home quickly and cheap.

5. Eco-Friendly Furniture: Many furniture items are made with non-renewable resources and painted with paints that use highly toxic chemicals. Make sure to purchase furniture items made from sustainable materials like reclaimed wood, recycled wood or bamboo and that are painted with VOC-free paint.

6. Choose Organic Bedding and Clothing: If possible, purchase only clothes and bedding made from 100% organic materials. Keep in mind that the skin is our largest organ and this will help keep chemicals and pesticides away from your baby and their room.

7. Safe Toys: If one thing is for sure, anything you give a baby will end up in their mouths. So it is very important to purchase chemical-free toys. The last thing you want in your baby’s mouth is chemicals like BPA, mercury or lead!

8. Organic Mattress: Babies spend many hours sleeping, so make sure to choose a mattress made from organic cotton or wool so there will be no chemicals or toxins disrupting your baby’s dreams.

9. Choose Cloth Diapers: Even though disposable diapers are very convenient, they are manufactured using chemicals that penetrate your baby’s skin and are not biodegradable which means that they just go to the landfill where they create more pollution. Why not choose cloth diapers which you can just throw in the laundry? If this is still not for you, purchase chlorine-free disposable diapers instead.

10. Natural Detergent: Purchase a natural detergent free of chemicals and fragrance to wash your baby’s clothes to prevent chemical reactions and keep toxins away from their skin. Most supermarkets carry these nowadays.

These tips will help you create an eco-friendly environment for your baby as well as help them to a great start at a “green” life.

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