Working from home is green. From reducing the carbon footprint it takes to move from home to the office to even reducing paper waste, installing a office in your house is the ultimate green move. It may sound simple enough; however, setting up a home office requires thoughtfulness and planning.

Moreover, setting up a home office needs some direct conversation with other family members who may be living with you.

Sometimes the connotation of working from home gives others the impression that you are available all day, every day. With a little planning, some thoughtfulness, and a bit of conversation, you can have a successful and fully functioning home office in no time.

Just like any other project, you must start from the beginning. Setting up a home office haphazardly and just throwing some office furniture in a room will never cut it, and this will not make for a successful attempt.

Plan out Your Space

The first and most important thing to do before setting up a home office is to plan out your space. Stop and think about where you want your desk. The best place to put your desk is underneath a window. This will allow the flow of natural light and also give you a feeling of being connected to outdoor space.

Make sure that your file cabinets are within reach for easy access. However, if you wish to get up and stretch once and a while, put your file cabinets on the opposite side of the room where you will need to get up and walk over there a couple times per day.

You will also want to think about where you will be storing supplies and other items. Shelves and cabinets will be key to keep the place neat. If there is a closet already in the room you will only need to invest on bins and boxes to keep everything organized and within reach.

In addition, try to save some space for an indoor plant. That way you won’t lose contact with Nature while you’re working. Plants are excellent natural air purifiers.

Buying/Revamping Home Office Furniture

Make sure that the desk you choose and the chair you buy will incorporate the necessary comfort for your height and weight. Investing good sturdy office equipment for your home office set up is a wise choice indeed. If you intend on spending a lot of time in your home office, then you need to be comfortable. Ergonomic chairs are an excellent investment for your back, as well. You know what also is a good and greener choice? Refurbishing old furniture!

Do not forget one of the most important essentials of your very own personal home office – decorating. In your own home office, you get to decorate how you want as compared to only being able to bring in a picture of your kids at your employer’s place of business.

Incorporate pictures that will keep you mentally alert and yet offer peace and tranquility, as well. Perhaps a picture of a natural bursting waterfall will do the trick. Vases, photos of your family, and your favorite books can all be backdrops for your perfect home office décor.

Do not forget about the art of feng shui. The art of feng shui can really open up a space and make it work for you both creatively and professionally.

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