By TreeLiving

As time goes by, more and more of us aspire to ethical ways of living on our green and beautiful planet – which includes our vast blue oceans and the huge variety of creatures that live in it. With environmental perils facing our rainforests and unspoilt areas on land, it’s easy to forget how huge the threats to our oceans and sea actually are. Much of that danger is due to h uman behavior. World Oceans Day on June 8th celebrates marine biodiversity and reminds us that the creatures and habitats of the deep need our help and respect, too.

Environmental disasters like oil spills, over-exploitation of marine resources by fishing industries and polluting run-off from the land masses are all pressing issues for anyone interested in green living and preserving the eco balance of planet Earth. One of the most pressing issues facing green activists and environmental conservationists is the alarming death of the world’s coral reefs, thanks to pollution. It’s not too late to change things.

June 8th is a chance to join with other green citizens of the world to raise awareness of the wonder of our blue seas and wonderful marine life. World Oceans Day is an opportunity to get involved to help ensure their ecological protection and survival in the future. It’s a chance to remember the role the oceans play in providing us with oxygen, water and food. And let’s not forget how the seas provide every generation with inspiration, as well as leisure and pleasure.

Worldwide, there will be special events organized by people just like you to pay respect to the beauty and bounty of the oceans. Last year, people in seventy countries got together to have fun and toast our ocean environments. There’ll be entertaining and educational happenings geared to all ages in major centres and many smaller places as well.

You’ll discover special kits for kids and a video competition for teens. Coming together with like-minded people to celebrate World Oceans Day is fun and sociable, as well as dealing with serious issues. Your participation will help ensure that the next generation is just as dedicated to dealing with the vital environmental issues that face all of us, whether we live on the ocean or far inland. The oceans give their benefits to all of us.

If you’re passionate about our marine heritage, and there’s not too much going on in your area, then this is your chance to get involved and raise awareness in your community. You could also raise funds for a favorite conservation cause or the protection of a local ecological niche. If you have the chance to travel a bit, the US is richly endowed with marine sanctuaries that are a safe haven for a wealth of ocean life.

That’s partly due to people who care, and who come together as stewards of our sea creatures, from the mammals and birds right down to the shellfish and plant life. So mark June 8th on your calendar and join the worldwide community who will be expressing their appreciation of our marine resources on World Oceans Day.

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