Vermont Bottled Water Dilemma

By John Curran At the state maintenance garage where Lori Girard-Pion works, the water cooler isn't a luxury. It's a necessity, especially for the mechanics who maintain the Vermont State Police vehic...

Herbs in the News

By By Chris Kilham More Americans are turning to herbs than ever before, demonstrating a greater interest in natural remedies and self health care. According to seve (more…)...

Yoga poses for what ails you

By Elizabeth Cohen When Dr. Carolyn LaFleur was in a car accident six years ago, she couldn't move her neck for a year and a half, she had terrible pain in her hip, and she would get headaches at her templ...

Feeling The Heat

By ANGIE YACK and JOANN LOVIGLIO Cows don't crank up the air conditioning, pigs can't chill out in a movie theater and chickens won't cannonball into a pool. At farms, fairs and the racetrack, th...