Breast health is a major concern for a lot of women especially those who have witnessed firsthand the devastating effects it wreaks on family members. But, cancer prevention should be on the minds of everyone, ...
Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM), also referred to in America as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM), is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every O...
Summer is cooling, the leaves are falling and our thoughts turn to the coming of winter. As the saying goes, the past is another country. In a way, so is winter, as the landscape transforms and we change our wa...
The conflict between President Obama, the budget and the divided Congress may delay several climate, conservation and regulation programs, since important environmental agencies are closing until further notice...
Every one of us has closets – but how ecofriendly are yours? If you’re going green or fine tuning your ecofriendly home, replacing or extending the available storage space in your home, it’s a question worth as...
You can go veggie for a day and even the most dedicated carnivore will sigh in delight at the food you serve if you plan for it right. Vegetarian doesn't mean eating just salad, or rabbit food. You can of cours...
You know you’re supposed to drink water. However, do you know why? The truth is that if you drink often and consume fruits and vegetables, you may not need a full eight glasses of water each day. Yet, drinking ...
Photo courtesy of www.greencarreports.comThe annual National Plug-In Day will be celebrated for its third consecutive year between September 28-29, 2013 and the expectations are huge. A total of 93 cities acros...
As more and more information about environmental problems and green living becomes available, it is easy for people to feel overwhelmed about how to make the transition to a more eco-friendly lifestyle. TreeLiv..., a community that promotes green living and environmental and social responsibility, launched their new magazine-style portal. (more…)...