By Ali Berman
KFC is taking full advantage of the NBA lockout and asking their former employee, now NBA player, Dwyane Wade to come back to work as an Honorary Captain.


Wade worked at KFC during his teenage years and while the company is offering to pay Wade in money that will go straight to charity, PETA is asking Wade to turn

down the offer.

Michelle Cho from PETA wrote, “While defenders know that ‘broken ankles’ are a risk with your crossovers on the court, chickens killed for KFC often have their fragile legs broken when they are slammed into metal shackles, among other horrifying abuses.”

PETA doesn’t stop there. Not only do they want him to turn down the job promoting KFC’s cruel products, they also want him to ask the company to improve conditions for the hens. PETA wrote in their letter to Wade, “After learning about this abuse, will you take a stand for chickens by urging KFC to require its suppliers to use a less cruel slaughter method?”

Wade could have some powerful influence over the company considering how much they seem to pride themselves on having him as a former employee. Fingers crossed the athlete will use his connections to convince KFC to change the way they do business.

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