By TreeLiving Sustainable development is the development that meets needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Three operational rules that define the condition of ecological sustainability include the following: • Renewable resources such as fish, soil, and groundwater must be used no faster than the rate at which they regenerate. • Nonrenewable resources such as minerals and fossil fuels must be used no faster than renewable substitutes for them can be put into place. • Pollution and wastes must be emitted no faster than natural systems can absorb them, recycle them, or render them harmless. With human beings relentlessly using scarce resources, environmental concerns often take a back seat. Water and electricity, for instance are overused as if they are to last till eternity. Trees are being felled and agriculture fields are also being obliterated to erect new industries and residential buildings. Scientific studies have proved that existing green cover and forests cannot be expected to soak up carbon dioxide far into the future. The natural eco systems are being deteriorated at a very fast rate and it is important to adopt the principles of sustainability before planet earth becomes completely devoid of oxygen, water and energy sources. Saving the environment is possible if we follow some simple sustainable living ideas. Sustainability or green living ideas do not call for any drastic changes in our way of living – they simply require some small but significant changes in our daily habits. If communities implement small changes in the way they eat, live, clothe, commute, grow and give, then collectively, it will lead to a revolution in conservation of nature and planet earth. Principles of sustainability involve frugal and optimum use of limited resources. In other words the wastage of water and electricity must be minimized and completely eliminated wherever possible. Water waste is very common at home, in offices, and factories. Leaky faucets and pipes in bathrooms and kitchens cause substantial loss of water. These must be repaired immediately and wherever feasible low faucets or aerators must be used. Waste water treatments can also be used to treat waste water and make it usable again. Minimizing the consumption of electricity is also an eco friendly practice – this is possible by use of energy efficient devices and immediately switching off lights, fan and other appliances when not in use. Phantom loads must also be avoided when you really want to go green! Recycling also contributes to sustainable living helps in saving the environment – it saves natural resources and reduces environmental pollution. Plastic recycling is important to avoid soil pollution. Glass items and paper can also be recycled effectively. Organic farming in your own yard and saving fuel by opting for car pooling or using public transport are other simple ways of green living and saving the environment. Sustainable living is simple – you too can contribute your bit to this planet!

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