As we all know, environment warming is of global concern. Greenhouse gases produced by human usage are the primary cause of environmental warming. While this is not a new concept, it is not one that will go away any time soon.

Several potential future effects will arise out of an increase in temperature.

• More wildfires than ever before
• An increase in drought season in certain areas
• A higher intensity in tropical storms according to length of duration and frequency

There is also the impact on our health. What are the various ways the rise in temperature can affect our health.

As temperatures rise, so does humidity. Anyone with asthma or allergies knows how negatively high humidity can affect them. There are several health issues at risk from an increase in humidity due to temperature rising.

Asthma, Allergies, and Upper Respiratory – These types of upper respiratory issues are probably the most common. However, just because they are common does not mean that they are simply by any means. Allergies can wreak havoc on your work, leisure, and sleep time, as well. Upper respiratory infections can last indefinitely, especially if the source of aggravation is not dealt with ore alleviated properly. Asthma can result if missed time from work and school, as well as hospital visits. Expensive co-pays and some serious medication are the result of an asthma flare-up or attack.

As temperatures rise, mold, and mildew become a big problem. More intense storm systems and flooding occur when the humidity factor increases. Mold and mildew have a new playground in two arenas – both the great outdoor and the building materials where you live and breathe.

Higher Volatile Organic Compound Emissions

Volatile Organic Compounds are emitted as gases into the environment, more so when the environment is humid. These compounds are dangerous as they are breathed in by humans and can cause many health issues.

• Upper respiratory issues
• Headache
• Nausea
• Fatigue
• Dizziness
• Memory loss
• Kidney and liver damage
• A known carcinogen in animals

Not only does environmental warming affect our planet in a detrimental way, it also affects our health, as well. It is important to note that while rising temperatures means more ice melting, flooding, higher intensity, and duration of tropical storms, it also means health concerns inside and outside of our world.

Building materials will become moldy and mildewed. Outdoor air quality will deteriorate, leaves and grass will contain more mold due to higher water levels. If everyone looked at his or her small contribution to environmental warming, this alarming trend will minimize.

Increasing ventilation, especially in high-rise buildings, utilizing paints that have low volatile organic compounds, and doing our part to save energy and lower our carbon footprint are just a few ways to alleviate this frightening and potentially hazardous health risk.

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