By TreeLiving The rising carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere raises the temperature on our planet and is the main cause of the so called 'global warming impact'. Though the process of photosynthesis in plants and trees absorbs a portion of carbon dioxide, the existing green cover is not enough for sustainability. Also, most of the fuels emit not only carbon dioxide but also a mix of several tox ic gaseous and vapors in the atmosphere. One solution for saving the environment is to replace and retrofit current technologies with alternatives that have comparable or better performance, but do not emit carbon dioxide. Use of alternative energy sources is not only a way to go green (reducing global warming) but also to save the limited fossil fuels that are left on planet earth. Alternative energy sources are eco friendly because they are typically renewable sources of energy. Two well known sources of alternative energy include: Solar Energy – This green energy of the sun is commonly used for heating, cooking and also for the production of electricity. It is also being used for the desalination of seawater. Solar power works by trapping sunrays into solar cells where this sunlight is then converted into electricity. In other applications, solar power uses sunlight that hits solar thermal panels to convert sunlight to heat water or air. In some solar heating systems, sunlight hits parabolic mirrors to heat water and produce steam. At times, you do not even need a mechanical set up for solar heat – simply open your room's blinds or adjust window shades to allow sunlight and passively heat the room during winter! Using solar energy is another simple way of saving the environment. Wind Energy – Wind energy systems control the power of the wind to propel the blades of wind turbines. These days, large scale wind farms are used by national electrical grids to harness electrical currents usually for industrial use. Small individual turbines are also used to provide electricity to isolated locations or individual homes. Use of wind energy is eco friendly as wind produces no pollution that can contaminate the environment – there are no chemical processes or harmful by-products left over. The only downside of wind energy generation is that wind power is intermittent. Consistent wind is essential for continual power generation. If wind speed decreases, the turbine starts to linger and less electricity is generated. It is rather important to use alternative sources of energy if we are really serious about saving the environment. Refining eco friendly solar and wind energy generation processes and exploring ways to use geothermal energy are crucial for green living.

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