Detox Your Pet’s Space – Top Tips

Accidental deaths and injuries can result from pets getting into toxic substances. Like little children, pets need to be watched and, when left alone, their space needs to be free of toxins and dangerous substa...

Healthy Valentine’s Day Party Snacks

Does the mention of Valentine’s Day make you think of big, heart-shaped boxes of chocolates? Most of us associate this holiday with chocolate indulgence. But there is a healthier way to celebrate this heart-cen...

Recycled Craft Supplies

Many of us want to do crafts, either on our own or with children. But sometimes the necessary supplies can get expensive, and they are not always eco-friendly. Here are some ideas for craft supplies that are no...

Raw Food Weight Loss and Healthy Fats

Healthy fats play an important role in good nutrition and weight loss. There is a lot of talk in the media about how omega 3-fatty acids, found in cold water fish oils increase your immune function and provide...