What is Formaldehyde?

By TreeLiving If you haven’t heard of formaldehyde you’ve certainly come across it in daily living. We’ve all seen images of creatures and organs embalmed in laboratory jars. The powerful ch...

How To Start Your Own Non-Profit

By TreeLiving Non-profit organizations, or NPOs, make a huge contribution every year to all sorts of public welfare causes, including green initiatives. As with any enterprise, to make sure you’re on trac...

Recycling Electronic Waste Consciously

Electronic waste is a new term that is applied to electronic devices that are no longer wanted because they have been replaced for new devices. With technology and consumerism progressing this fast, we are sud...

How to Green Your Morning Routine

By TreeLiving For many, the morning is a busy time. You’re running around trying to get ready for the day and being environmentally conscious while doing this may be the last thing on your mind. If you ar...