By TreeLiving Every year on April 22, millions of people in over 190 countries celebrate Earth Day. Celebrating this day, which is dedicated to conserving the natural beauty and ecological balance of our threatened planet, began forty three years ago. Since Rachel Carson published her landmark book ‘Silent Spring’, on the need for saving the environment in 1962, awareness of ecological damage has kept growing . Now, with ecological crises around the world, Earth Day is a global annual event that is more relevant than ever. No matter where you are in the world, there’s likely to be a series of Earth Day events near you. In the US, hundreds of thousands of people will converge on Washington’s National Mall to take part in a multitude of activities, from musical celebrations to inspirational talks by environmental activists, civic leaders and celebrity supporters. Events dedicated to saving the environment will also be happening in thousands of places across the world, to help mobilize awareness of and action for eco-friendly initiatives. Even people who are sceptical of human-made climate change acknowledge the evidence of ecological disruption. Environmental issues are crucial and have to be addressed to ensure the survival of our own species and our children’s future. Coral reefs are being destroyed. Biodiversity is threatened by industry and pollution around the world, with habitat destruction and a staggering list of species extinctions. Awareness of sustainable development hasn’t yet got us out of the pending energy crisis. It’s not too late to do something about this dangerous situation – and Earth Day is one way to make a difference. Even if you can’t get involved in local or community Earth Day happenings, you can be part of the ‘One Billion Acts of Green’ campaign. It could be something as simple as pledging to recycle more, ride your bike to work more often or keep an eye on water wastage. Earth Day is all about the little things we can all easily do in the cause of saving the environment. If you’re passionate about our fantastic but fragile planet and want to go further, it’s also easy to become an Earth Day organizer. You’ll find plenty of resources available to help you facilitate an event or green project in your community. Alternatively, there are also all sorts of existing campaigns you can support, no matter what your special interests are. Arts organisations, athletes and sportspeople’s’ associations, faith communities and a host of other interest groups have Earth Day campaigns already up and running, to boost environmental awareness and make sure things get done to keep our world green, healthy and beautiful. We get so much from the earth. Earth Day is a time to reflect on the bounty of nature and to give something back. We all have something we can do and something to offer. With millions of people supporting local Earth Day events and making small changes to the way we live, we can make a real positive impact. So put April 22 in your diary and check out what you can do to promote environmental wellbeing and a greener planet.
Earth Day 2012