SYDNEY, March 7, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — While over 70 percent of Australians believe that human activity is contributing to climate change, few know how to take action to prevent it. That's where a new Ektron-powered website – – comes in. is designed to help people around the wo rld take action by reducing emissions and purchasing carbon offsets. “We make it simple for businesses and households to take genuine action to prevent climate change,” says Joel Fleming, founder of Climate Friendly. “Climate Action = Reducing your emissions + purchase of quality carbon offsets. Our new site provides the tools to calculate your carbon emissions and a wide range of quality carbon offsets that can help to effectively reduce your carbon footprint to zero as well as tips on how to reduce your emissions at home and at work.” “Climate Friendly allows me to make monthly payments to offset my car travel,” wrote a new visitor to the website. “I cycle and walk when I can but sometimes I just have to drive. I buy my offsets from a wind farm in China and pay monthly – it's a simple way to make a difference.” Designed and developed by Ektron implementation partner Boomworks, the Climate Friendly website employs the Ektron eCommerce platform and online tools to help visitors from Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Great Britain, North America and China calculate carbon emissions from their flights, car travels, electricity use and other activities. Once calculated, a simple checkout process allows site visitors to purchase high-quality carbon offsets from the C02 emission offset project of their choice, such as the Duzova Wind Project in Turkey or the Tasmanian Native Forest Protection Project in Australia. “We're very proud of our work for Climate Friendly,” notes Chris Anderson, CTO of Boomworks. “Climate Friendly's goals parallel Boomworks' concerning our carbon footprint. Boomworks continues to take steps to minimize our carbon footprint through a number of internal recycling and energy policies.”
Reduce Carbon Emissions One Website Visit at a Time